Targeted Training for Disadvantaged Youth

Policy or Initiative Description

Government agencies should partner with local governments and non-profits to target training programs to disadvantaged groups, including disconnected youth. If these populations are redirected to education, training, and gainful employment, potential cost savings in public assistance, incarceration, and lost wage costs accrue both to individuals receiving training and to taxpayers.


“The Northern Virginia Team Independence Initiative, a partnership between SkillSource, Fairfax County Division for Family Services (DFS), and social service and justice organizations across Northern Virginia, has created a new mobile unit...The project will attempt to serve 100 out-of-school and unemployed foster care and justice-involved young adults through mobile outreach and enrollment in the community, as well as targeted case management focusing on hard-to-reach young adults in the region. Pay for performance, or bonus payments, can be earned by Fairfax County DFS—one bonus for each successful outcome achieved over the course of the project. Measures being tracked for the participants are skills gained during programming; placement in training, employment, or education six months and a year after exit; and attainment of a degree or certificate within a year after exit.”


Bonds, Milliken Jeanne. “Pay for Success: How Emerging Finance Tools Are Supporting Workforce Development.” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. 2019.



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