Better Wages, Benefits, and Security from Employers

Policy or Initiative Description

Employers should ensure that their workers are getting decent wages, employment benefits, predictable scheduling, and training and advancement because this will lead to a more productive workforce.


It is important for employers to empower their employees with choices. “In April 2017, McDonald’s offered 115,000 U.K. workers on zero-hours contracts the option of moving to fixed contracts with a minimum number of guaranteed hours every week. The fast-food chain offered fixed-hours contracts after staff in its restaurants complained they were struggling to get loans, mortgages and mobile phone contracts because they were not guaranteed employment each week. The company found that about 80% of workers in the trial chose to remain on flexible contracts and it reported an increase in levels of employee and customer satisfaction after the offer. Staff were offered contracts in line with the average hours per week they worked. This included contracts of four, eight, 16, 30 or 35 hours a week. They initially offered these fixed hour contracts to 50 more restaurants, but plan to roll it out nationwide to existing and new employees later this year."


Taylor, Matthew, Greg Marsh, Diane Nicol, and Paul Broadbent. “The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices.” Good Work. July 2017.



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