Additional Data for Unemployment Insurance Records

Policy or Initiative Description

State policymakers should add new data fields to state Unemployment Insurance wage records, including occupational titles, work hours, credentials, and work sites. Most states currently do not include enough data in records to analyze training programs’ effectiveness, and some states do not link this employment data to educational data at all. A 2014 BLS survey found that states that collected enhanced wage records reported that the data were extremely helpful in estimating hourly earnings, understanding career progression from occupation to occupation, assessing the effectiveness of workforce training, and making occupational projections.


Louisiana, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska currently collect additional data elements in UI wage records, such as occupational title.


McKay, Connor, Ethan Pollack, and Alastair Fitzpayne. “Automation and a Changing Economy. Part II: Policies For Shared Prosperity.” The Aspen Institute Future of Work Initiative. April 2019.



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